UnKuver More — clip-on sunglasses

How to Prevent Macular Degeneration

How to Prevent Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is generally age-related and most commonly affects people 55 years and older. People 60 and older who have a family history of macular degeneration are at an increased risk for developing the eye disease. And while you can’t control your genetics, there are numerous risk factors that are under your control.

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What's best for you, EyKuver, Clip Ons, or Wearover Sunglasses?

What's best for you, EyKuver, Clip Ons, or Wearover Sunglasses?
Rest assured, there are 3 affordable and effective eye protection options for prescription eyeglass wearers: static cling film, clip on sunglasses, and wearover sunglasses. Each type of aftermarket eye protection mentioned is effective, functional and has strengths and weaknesses. This article will help you find which type of eye protection is best for you. 

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Protecting Kid's Eye's from the Sun

Protecting Kid's Eye's from the Sun

Kid’s eyes are developing which makes having the right sun protection for their eyes even more important. In fact, children especially need protection from the sun because their eyes haven’t developed enough to adequately protect them from UV radiation in the same way an adult’s eyes can. The lenses of a child’s eye allows 70% more UV rays to enter it than an adult’s eye. 

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Choosing The Right EyKuver Lens Tint

Choosing The Right EyKuver Lens Tint
EyKuver optical film comes in 2 tints, gray and blue. Each lens tint provides specific optical characteristics for different light conditions and situations. Having the right lens tint affects the way you see colors, contrast, and depth perception. Using the correct tint for the conditions increases eye comfort and results in better eye health.

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Who Uses EyKuver?

Who Uses EyKuver?
If you wear eyeglasses and spend time outdoors EyKuver instant sunglasses will make your life simpler and more enjoyable. 

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